Lime Rick
- Genre: Puzzle
- Platforms: Browser and Windows
- Summary: A hardcore puzzle game
- Release year: 2013
Lime Rick is a puzzle game at its purest. Mechanics are simply and fast to learn but in order to pass the levels you must use logical reasoning and plan your moves far ahead.

- Genre: Action
- Platform: Windows
- Summary: Shoot and dodge!
- Release year: 2012
Aureolin is a challenging and colorful action game where you have to defeat 29 mechanical enemies.

I Left Myself Behind
- Genre: Puzzle
- Platform: Windows
- Summary: How can a game so simple be so hard?
- Release year: 2012
Notice: Lime Rick is basically an highly upgraded version of this game so might want to play that instead.
I Left Myself Behind is a challeging puzzle game where everytime you move you create a copy of yourself. These copies are solid so you can't go through them but you can use them to reach higher levels. The character can move upwards only three times in a row. The game includes 12 levels.
This game was made for Super Friendship Club Pageant: COPY/PASTE.

My Imaginary Girlfriend
- Genre: Platform
- Platform: Windows
- Summary: Pick up flowers with an invisible main character. Everything seems pretty and nice but under the sweet surface lies a bitter truth.
- Release year: 2010
My Imaginary Girlfriend is a short platform game where you can't see the main character. You have to guess your location with the help of the flowers that are placed in the levels.